Statement of disinterestedness
I, James W Beattie have no present or contemplated future

interest in the subject property or any other interest which might tend to prevent me making a fair and unbiased appraisal.

I hereby certify that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, the statements of fact contained in this report are true and correct, and this report has been prepared in conformity with the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice .The valuation of a property is a procedure based on an analysis of all the characteristics of the property which contribute to or detract from its value.__________________________________.
Confidential nature of appraisal
The fact that I, James W Beattie, have been employed to make an appraisal is a confidential matter. In some instances, the very fact of employment may be information that a client, whether private or a public agency, prefers for valid reasons to keep confidential. Knowledge by outsiders of the fact of employment of an appraiser may jeopardize a client’s proposed enterprise or transaction. Consequently, it is improper for the appraiser to disclose the fact of his engagement, unless the client approves of the disclosure or clearly has no interest in keeping the fact of the engagement confidential, or unless the appraiser is required by due process of law to disclose the fact of his engagement.
In the absence of an express agreement to the contrary, the identifiable contents of an appraisal report are the property of the appraiser’s client or employer and, ethically, cannot be submitted to any professional Society as evidence of professional qualifications, and cannot be published in any identifiable form without the client’s or employer’s consent.

My signature below attests to the fact that I have personally examined the books at issue, and furthermore that I am sufficiently experienced and qualified to perform this appraisal of the books belonging to John Doe.

Furthermore, the appraisal fee bears no relation to the value of the books appraised.
Individual volumes and values
Adam, Melchior. Vitae Germanorum Medicorum. Heidleberg, 1620. $1750.00

Adams, Ansel. Images. 1923-74. Signed by Adams. 1974. $650.00

Adams. Photographs of the Southwest. $275.00

Adams. My Camera in the National Parks. First edition, signed
by Adams. $500.00

Adams. What Majestic Word. In Memory of Russell Verian.
Portfolio 4; Sierra Club, 1963. $600.00

Adelmann, Howard. Marcella Malphegi and the Evolution of Embroylogy.
Cornell, 1966. First edition. $450.00

Adrian. The Mechanism of Nervous Action. 1932. First edition. $150.00

Anatomia del Corpo Humano Composto. 1558. $4600.00

Albini, Bernardi. Explication. 1744. Folio. With 89 plates $3200.00

Albinus. Anatomical Atlas. Elephant Folio. 1749. $8300.00

Alzheimer and Lewandowsky. Zeitchrift fur die Gesamte Neurologie
und Psychiatric. Berling, 1926. $1325.00

Art of Nature (in German). Vogelbuch Wahrum Die
Nature und Warenschaft Aller al. Published 1632.
Illustrated with numerous wood-engraved plates. $2700.00

Harvey, Dr. W(illiam). The Anatomical Excigis of...De Motu
Cordus. London, Nonesuch Press, 1928. Limited edition. $350.00

Ariens, Kappers. Die Vergleichende Anatomie des Nervensystems
der Wirveltiere und des Menschen. Haarlem, 1922. 2 volumes. $235.00

Arnemann, Justus. Versuche uber das Gehirn. 1787. Rebound
in full leather. $375.00

Audubon. 2 volumes. Birds of America. 1950. $125.00

Audubon. Single volume set. Circa 1960. Crown Publishers. $75.00

Audubon. Hammond reprint of the Animal prints.
For the three preceding......... $350.00

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