What type of services and products does Warnke Air products provide?
We offer a multitude of services. Warnke Air Products has a data base for over 30 years. As a result of this, we realize the wide swing of performance and horsepower ratings for the same aircraft and engine types. This is why we custom design EACH and EVERY prop for you with our custom prop matching service. The first all-wood-ground adjustable propeller was designed by Bernie Warnke in the early 70's. Since then hundreds of different blade masters for all different types of aircraft have been designed, tested, researched and flown. Now we offer 1/12" multi-laminate hard rock maple blanks that deliver that almost, almost constant speed performance in 2,3 and 4 bladed fixed pitch designs. We laminate the 52 - 65 layers ourselves to guarantee the integrity of these propellers. Designs are available that range in taming engines starting at 35 h.p. all the way to 500 h.p. Whatever you do, please contact us and order in advance. We make everything custom just for you and your specific needs, this takes time! So come on . . . Let us spin your world!
Extra, Extra!
We are very excited to bring to you the newest addition to our line of products . . . powerful, custom engines by Chevy, Ford, or you name it! The sky's the limit on what can be accomplished with all the new technology out today! It is the wave of the future!!! All aluminum or steel blocks available depending on weight limitations and aircraft. Reduction units are included for most packages. We also offer combination discounts on engine and propeller packages. Bolts, crush plates and spinners are also available or can be special ordered.
Unique Gift Ideas
We love our work and value our resources. As a result, we offer beautiful, laminated cutting boards made from our exquisite maple stock, in a variety of sizes. Georgeous walnut and birch propeller clocks are available a few times a year or can be special ordered.
Experience the thrill of what the fastest pilots have discovered!
When you fly behind a Warnke Propeller, you get earlier take-off, faster criuse at lower r.p.m. and lower temperatures in the engine department. Our smooth running, carbon-fiber wrapped propellers are engineered to deliver top-notch performance to utilize all the "umph" your engine has to offer.
Unique characteristics such as almost, almost constant speed performance will enhance any aeroplanes flight attributes. Our special props work with your engine to provide a VERY small span of RPM between full power take-off and full power top-end. What you get out of that is more r.p.m.'s at take-off . . . where you need them. Then as the aircraft increases speed and centrifigal forces act on the propeller you get an increase in pitch . . .right when you need it . . . at cruise. Therefore, you get faster climb and higher cruise when compared with any other wooden or composite propellers and less weight than a constant speed propeller.

Warnke Air Products
3906 West Ina Road #200
Suite # 193
Tucson, Arizona




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